Rubber Factory
Basic programme of our enterprises is production and sale of high quality technical products of rubber, silicon and rubber/metal as well as rubber/plastic combinations, … We have a possibility to produce from a broad spectre of rubber materials (LSR, NR, SBR, EPDM, NBR, HNBR, CR, VMQ, FVMQ, FKM, ...)
You can find our products in Products for:
- White goods (seals, absorbers, pipes, moss, protective sleeves, ...)
- Sanitary engineering (absorbers, membranes, protective seals, ...)
- Electrical industry (bypasses, housing seals, passes, ...)
- Mechanical engineering (hydraulic and pneumatic seals, membranes, valve seals, ...)
- Automotive industry (seals, membranes, 2K Products, ...)